Sgt. Charles A. Fricke VFW Post 805
223 West First Street
O'Fallon, IL  62269

  (618) ​624-6575

5 Apr 2025 is the day!

Early Registration is open until
March 19th. Register early to
guarantee that you get a T-shirt
and the coveted 0.1 race sticker!

pdf flyer/rego Register NOW!

So, What is it?

O’Fallon’s original .1K fun run!
That’s right – point one! A run that anybody can finish!

For more info, see one page rego or email Charlie!

Email Charlie!

Timeline of Events

8:00 – 9:45 AM - Race Day Rego, Silent Auction opens; Breakfast & Pre-race Hydration
9:45 – 9:55 AM
- Group stretch
9:55 AM
- Line up and get ready!
9:57 AM
- National Anthem
- GO!
10:05 – Noon
- Post-Race activities at Post 805, including prizes, awards, and raffle drawings. Silent Auction closes at 11:30


Sponsorship opportunities for our 10th annual .1K are available NOW.  Our sponsors get perks based on donation levels.   Your logo can be on our webpages, event T-Shirts and your team can get free registrations for the pt1k!
Find out HOW here:


 2024 Diamond Sponsors

 2024 Platinum Sponsors

 2024 Gold Sponsors

 2024 Bronze Sponsors

 2024 In-Kind Sponsors